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Drug Safe

Drug safe

  • Colour white 
  • 2 sizes: 18 or 70 litres 
  • 1 removable shelf 
  • Epoxy paint 
  • Thickness 8/10ths 
  • Can be fixed to the wall
Product Code: 1 tablette amovible
Price from 265.92€
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Reference COFTOX
Material Steel
Volume 18 to 70 L
Colour White

The Multi-Drawer drug safe is available in two sizes; one of 18 litres and the other of 70 litres.

The 18-litre model is an additional toxin box that allows you to store a small amount of toxics.

The large 70-litre toxbin box is suitable for use in service cabinets. It can be equipped with TBS A, B or C multi-mirrors (8 maximum) for optimised storage. A monitoring notebook is easily stored in the upper part.

Available only in white, the internal and external surfaces of these toxic boxes have been treated with epoxy powder, guaranteeing them resistance to scratches, shocks, corrosion and the most commonly used cleaning products in hospitals.

In addition to being riveted into a medical cabinet, it can also be fixed to a wall, turning it into a wall-mounted cabinet.

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